Your First Visit
What To Bring With You
- Valid referral from your GP
- Medicare card
- Your completed Patient Registration Form (if you haven’t already sent it back)
- Your child’s ‘My Health, Learning and Development Record’ (Green Book)
- Previous reports (eg x-rays or scans, blood tests, speech pathology, audiology, psychology, school reports)
- Bullet points about what you’d like to talk about
- We encourage both parents/guardians to attend the appointments wherever possible
- If you'd like to speak with the paediatrician without your child present, feel free to bring a friend to wait with your child
Preparing Your Child
- Have a conversation about why they are coming
- Tell them about the doctor they are going to see and show them the photo on this website
- Reassure them that we don’t do any tests or investigations – there are no needles!
- Let them know that it’s a relaxed, friendly place to visit
- You are welcome to bring your child to the clinic prior to your appointment day to help them become familiar with the environment
Your Initial Appointment
At your first 1 hr appointment we’ll:
1. Identify the main issues
2. Review what you’ve previously done
3. Make a plan and allocate priorities
4. Build a team (if required)
We suggest you arrive a few minutes early to complete any paperwork and to give your child time to meet the staff and look around the practice
Children With Separated Parents
- Separated parents are required to inform us of any Court Order that restricts access of either parent/guardian to the child’s personal information
- If NO Court Order exists, all personal information pertaining to the child will be shared with both parents
- At kudos, we believe that the best outcome for your child will be achieved when parents are agreed on what is best for their child
- Where high levels of conflict exist between parents, it may not be possible for us to provide the best service for your child